Latent Power

a Psyduck fanlisting


Here are some buttons you can display on your website and link back to this fanlisting with! I am working on creating more buttons. If you want to donate buttons or would like me to make buttons in other sizes, please e-mail me: otsohenning [ät] protonmail [dot] com..

50 x 50

Psyduck sitting by a river Psyduck looking down pensively Psyduck staring at you intensely Psyduck flexing biceps Psyduck with mouth open Psyduck game sprite sitting Shiny blue Psyduck game sprite standing

75 x 50

Psyduck sitting by a river Psyduck looking down pensively Three psyducks tilting head sideways looking at you Psyduck flexing biceps

100 x 50

Psyduck sitting by a river Psyduck looking down pensively Three psyducks tilting head sideways looking at you Psyduck flexing biceps

88 x 31

Psyduck staring at you intensely Three psyducks tilting head sideways looking at you Retro style button Psyduck game sprite and text: Psyduck fan

100 x 35

Psyduck staring at you intensely Three psyducks tilting head sideways looking at you